Okay! You’ve carved out a schedule for your day, now it’s time to sprinkle in the fun, meaningful learning activities {I call these “invitations”}.
Setting up an invitation requires a bit of prep, but the benefits are SO WORTH IT.
If you lay out the basic supplies needed in an inviting way, your child is SURE to dive in, and be engaged far longer.
The kinds of invitations I'm talking about...
These kinds of learning invitations are set up with your child’s many languages in mind {in Reggio we call this “the child’s one hundred languages” - meaning, kids express themselves in MANY ways: art, movement, music, sculpture, construction, drama…
These invitations are meant to be FUN...
Now that you’ve got some ideas to create your impromptu learning space, it’s time to make a structure for your day. Kids THRIVE on structure, routine and predictability.
Neuroscientists have found that children's brains need a predictable schedule - because when children feel safe and comfortable, learning flourishes.
That said, your schedule should be flexible. Rhythms, routines...a general, predictable FLOW is what I'm talking about...
Meal time. Outdoor play time. Naps. Chores. Bedtime etc.
Create a schedule that works for your family. Carve out chunks of time for a morning meeting (15 minutes), some focussed learning time (20-30 minute chunks), baking or cooking, as well as free unstructured play time. You can include your children's input here also. Be intentional about screen time - come up with...
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