The Sudden Homeschooler's Survival Guide: Part 1

Unexpected Homeschooler?

Don’t Panic! Deep breath. You can do this. *I promise.*

School closures are happening across the nation. This is a guarantee.

But for how long? This is still an unknown.

If you find yourself in the position of a “sudden homeschooler,” but also need to get work done, you might be wondering…

  • What do I do with the kids?
  • How do I occupy them without the iPad or Netflix 24/7?
  • How can I maintain some structure and order in the home when things feel utterly chaotic?
  • How and what am I supposed to be teaching my kids?
  • How do we all stay sane?

Look, Mama. You’ve got this.


And I’m here to support you through it all. 


Before you continue to read, let’s start this post with a serious #mindsetshift

So here we are. At home. With kids. For 2, 3, 4 maybe more weeks….


Seriously. Before you let the panic, stress and overwhelm consume you, step back and think… in a...

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