Reggio-Inspired All-About Me Books

If you're looking for ideas to inspire your kids to read and write, you're going to LOVE this DIY bookmaking project! 

Often, young children need a little warming up, a little prompting when it comes to getting pen to paper  - especially if they suffer from perfectionistic tendencies, and want to get it just right.

Bookmaking opens a world of writing inspiration. A beautiful handmade book BEGS to be filled with your child's ideas, stories and pictures.

I like to think of bookmaking as the intersection of emergent literacy and art-making. A truly winning combination.

An autobiography is a wonderful starting point, because your child is sharing facts about his life. They're also a beautiful way to catch a glimpse of how your child see himself in the world, and the things that are most important to them.

Construct the book with the instructions inside the video at the top of this post.

Once the structure is completed, your book is ready to be filled with ideas!

I'm sharing these All About Me Joysheets™ as prompts to fill your book with drawings and writing.

If your child is a reluctant writer, first invite him to draw his ideas. Nudge him to write only the beginning sound he hears. Say the words slowly, stretching like a rubber band. 


"Do you hear any other sounds?" Encourage your child to write middle or ending sounds, or full words if he is capable. We call this "guess and go," invented or phonetic spelling.

Get ready to watch your kids' confidence SOAR with these handmade books, as they pride themselves as published authors.




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